This is Who We Are

Our mission at Zia Energetics is to aid in the shift to a healthy, natural, sustainable world by healing the land and healing the people. Through observation and study of the elements of: earth, wind, fire, and water, we can utilize an elemental model of Permaculture and Herbalism to recognize and balance the unique healing needs of land and people.

Through the application of balancing the elements in Permaculture design we can bio-remediate soil health, improve air quality with careful planting, utilize the elements of fire (heat and sunlight) for energy and heating, and ensure water sovereignty with rainwater harvesting.

In the realm of human health and elemental herbalism we employ our training in nutrition, fasting, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Vitalist herbalism to to recognize your unique elemental constitution, symptoms, nutritional needs, and the re-establishment of a healthy microbiome. We can also guide you with life practices such as grounding, light therapy, hydration, and breath-work to aid you in the rebalancing of the elements of earth, wind, fire, and water within your body, mind, and spirit.

Allow us to offer you our 20+ years of study and successful practice to help you realize your most valuable assets: Your health and your land! The two are inseperable